Insurance Claims

Repairs Involving Insurance

You pay your insurance premium to ensure, in the unfortunate circumstance of an accident, your car is repaired to your level of satisfaction. However, there are some things they don't always tell you that we feel you should know. Most insurance companies have a DRP or, Direct Repair Program with specific shops. Though they are not allowed to tell you to take your car to these shops, they strongly recommend you do. The danger with this is that although your car will be repaired, it will be done so to insurance company guidelines. This means, that certain aftermarket parts that were not originally included in your vehicle's specifications may be used and certain procedures may not be followed in the interest of saving money.

Cavallo is one of the very few remaining independent repair facilities that choose not to be contractually linked to an insurance company. We will work with any insurance company to ensure a proper disbursement has been made. You can consider us hired by you to secure the funds entitled to you in order to get your vehicle repaired. Please remember it is illegal for an insurance company to force you to take your car to a particular repair shop. We hope you choose Cavallo but if you do not just make sure the shop you do choose is more interested in you as the customer and not the insurance company as the customer.

Cars are our passion and we believe in repairing them to factory specifications. In the event of another accident we want to guarantee your vehicle performs the way it was engineered to and everyone inside that vehicle is as safe as they can be.